133. Avoiding Gimmicky Christianity

May 15, 2024 Doxa Church
133. Avoiding Gimmicky Christianity
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133. Avoiding Gimmicky Christianity
May 15, 2024
Doxa Church

In light of recent evangelical “viral moments” (e.g. Mark Driscoll calling out a sword-swallower at a men’s conference), Scott and Chris tackle gimmicks in Evangelicalism. Listen to learn the motives behind gimmicky Christianity, its consequences, and how to combat it with our Bibles.

Show Notes

In light of recent evangelical “viral moments” (e.g. Mark Driscoll calling out a sword-swallower at a men’s conference), Scott and Chris tackle gimmicks in Evangelicalism. Listen to learn the motives behind gimmicky Christianity, its consequences, and how to combat it with our Bibles.